Duesseldorf: In all issues relating to human resources you can rely on CaymanBrack as a competent partner. The one-stop human resources consulting for businesses includes the development of strategic and conceptual problem-solving techniques as part of the day-to-day work in the area of
human resources. CaymanBrack also provides placement services, particularly since as a staff services provider it possess in-depth knowledge of the German job market and of the job markets of many European neighbouring states. CaymanBrack offers comprehensive services during the search of a new career.
You´ve had another rough day at work.
And as you´re telling about your lackluster job or about feeling lost in your career path, a well-meaning friend or relative responds with, "Well, what do you want to do?"
Silence. If only it were that easy, right?
In all aspects of job placement CaymanBrack provides you with comprehensive services. Competent job coaches provide you with continued and practical support on your way back into work life – no matter if you are still in the early stages of your career, if you want to face new professional challenges or if you want to return to work after a considerable gap.
Through it´s network CaymanBrack can serve all industries. Mothers and homemakers, who wish to return to work after a gap of several years, are usually more difficult to place and are traditionally uncared-for by conventional job placement, as are persons with migration background.
However, each precarious situation can be changed for the better.
Möchten Sie eine Unterschrift zu diesem Bild hinzufügen? Klicken Sie auf das Einstellungensymbol. CaymanBrack Bildungsakademie GmbH in Duesseldorf offers seminars on integration, coaching for job applicants, assists it´s participants with the preparation and revision of their application documents and point out what matters. CaymanBrack offers courses for job seekers and business start-ups in state-of-the-art equipped rooms. It cooperates with the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) and the German Jobcenters.
Government support for job seekers ends somewhere, and this is exactly where CaymanBrack comes in. It´s services are available to anybody, with or without education voucher.
